How to Add Another Face ID on iPhone?

How to Add Another Face ID on iPhone?

How to Add Another Face ID on iPhone?
Apple has added the ability to scan Face ID (Face Lock) alternate appearance in iOS 12. This secondary Face ID can be used if you really want to change the look. Alternate appearance can also be used to give a trusted friend the ability to unlock and access your iPhone or iPad device.

This article explains how to create an Alternate Appearance on the iPhone for devices running iOS 12 or later, including creating an alternative look of yourself or adding a trusted friend to the alternate appearance.

How to add an alternate appearance to the iPhone?
Everyone has days where they don't look 'themselves.' This can happen for various reasons. It's because you work in a job that requires you to wear a hat or other protective clothing for some people. Or you may sometimes wear glasses and use contacts at other times. Whatever the reason, the way to keep your phone open (unlock) under these conditions is to create an alternate appearance.

1. Go to the Settings app.

2. Scroll down, Find and select the Face ID & Passcode option.

3. Enter your device passcode to be taken to your Face ID & Passcode settings.

How to Add Another Face ID on iPhone?

4. Tap on the Set Up an Alternate Appearance.

5. Read the screen that explains how to set up a Face ID and then tap Get Started.

6. Follow the on-screen instructions to move your head in a circle until your face is grasped from every angle.

How to Add Another Face ID on iPhone?

Important: When you wear anything that completely covers your face, including a breathing or protection mask, the alternative Appearance will not appear. To create an alternate ID for these examples, you'll have to cover half of the mask and place it in front of your half face when creating the alternate appearance, although this is not very reliable.

7. When the first scan is finished, you will see a message in which the first Face ID scan is completed. Tap on Continue to start the second scan.

8. Repeat the process of rotating your face in a circle so that the camera can catch you from every angle.

9. When the second scan is complete, you will receive a message stating that Face ID has now been set up. Tap Done to return to the Face ID and Passcode settings page. You can exit this, and your new alternate appearance will be activated.

How to Add Another Face ID on iPhone?

Adding an Alternate Appearance for a Trusted Friend
You may want to give your spouse, family members, or friends access to your iPhone in some instances. If you do not want to share your passcode with your family members or friends and you want them to access the information on your device, you can add it as an Alternate Appearance.

You use the same steps described above; however, get the other person's face scanned instead of your own. As soon as the alternate appearance Face ID is set up, your spouse, friend, or partner will be able to unlock your phone using their face instead of yours.

Warning: Ensure you trust the person you're adding as an alternate appearance Face ID because they have the ability to unlock your phone with their face, which means he can access all the data, photos, and other information stored on your phone.
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